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Stay In The Know:

What are you saying to yourself?

Here's a question. If your friends said to you the same things that you say to yourself, would you still be friends with them?

That little (or sometimes big) voice in your head, if it was a real person, would you choose to spend time with them?


So why do we allow ourselves to say such horrible things to ourselves? Our biggest critic is usually ourselves. I don't know about you but I don't even have time to worry about other people's opinion of me, but I will definitely make time to deal with the voice in my own head!

Ever heard of affirmations?

Ever thought they sounded a bit weird?

Time to get over it.

Affirmations are positive statements to say out loud to yourself. They must be in the present tense, as if you already are. For example 'I am a hugely successful person' NOT 'I will be hugely successful.' You have to say it as if it already is.

Next, add time into the equation. For example 'It is October 31st and I have lost a stone in weight.'

Make sure that you be specific about what you want, keep doing your affirmations and go out there and get it. The universe is listening to what you are telling it. If you keep saying things like 'I will never be successful', 'I will never lose weight.', I will never get a first at university' then guess what's going to happen...

When you start saying these affirmations your brain will start looking for ways to make it come true. You will see things that you didn't see before, you will have new ideas and new people may come into your life at just the right time. But you must stick at it and be consistent with your affirmations.

Now get up, walk over to your mirror and tell yourself that you're beautiful. And then let the affirmations flow.

I look forward to hearing some of your affirmations.

Love always,

Zoe xx

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