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Stay In The Know:

We are the generation of the entrepreneur!

What are you waiting for? We are the generation of the entrepreneur.

So who wants to know the secret? Who wants to know what the successful people know that everyone else clearly doesn’t? Who wants to know how they were dealt such better cards than others?

Well, here’s the thing; there is no secret. There is no trick. And have you ever seen these ‘cards’ that people have been dealt by the world?

Stop fooling yourself!

We grow up and we are taught to go to school, go to university and get a job. Happy days. But today, this is not what people want. That is definitely not my idea of the American dream! In fact it’s quite the opposite.

We are a generation who thrive on education and learning and love the freedom that we have to go off to university, but we are doing this for the passion, not the paycheck, right? I chose Psychology at University because it interests me. If there’s money to be made in that then that’s great but I have my sights set on a much bigger goal!

We have been called the ‘generation of the entrepreneur’. Ask yourself, why is that? We come out of education with so many ideas of new businesses and projects, only to be told by the older generations that it will never work and to go and get a 9-5 like everyone else (the idea of a 9-5 is also a lie for most jobs too by the way!) But do you really think that the 10% of the population who own 90% of the wealth are sat at a desk 9 until 5 everyday? Didn’t think so.

So why are we buying into this? Why are you buying into this? Can you sit there and tell me that you do not know anybody who has been made redundant recently? Anyone who found themselves in a position where there was no longer a job available. Do you know any parents who cannot afford to stay at home with their children? Do you know anybody who hates their job? The kinds of people who live for a Friday night, who live for the weekend and spend their two days off drowning their sorrows in alcohol, preparing themselves for the dreaded Monday morning?

Like I said, hardly the American dream.

So do you want to know what successful people do? They chase those dreams. They stick to their goals. They have an unwavering mind-set, regardless of what anybody else tells them. Do you really think that Mark Zuckerberg doubted himself when creating Facebook? Do you think that J K Rowling would have gone to multiple publishers, even after one of them told her to get a day job because it wasn’t going to sell, if she just had a little feeling about Harry Potter? Do you think that Blake Mycoskie would have travelled the world and pretended to have a huge successful office which at the time was his living room if he didn’t think his mission was going to be worthy of anything. (On that note if you do not know his story I highly recommend that you read ‘Start something that matters’.)

All I can say is this, If you’ve got a feeling about something, a little flutter in your stomach, then GO FOR IT. What are you waiting for? There will never be the right time, that is one of the myths that will crush your dreams! The right time does not exist so you need to stop waiting for it and get out there. Honestly sit and have a think. Allow yourself to dream big and think about what could be possible with your idea (I know you have one because everyone does. You just might have supressed it for so long that you feel like you don’t even know what it is. But trust me when I tell you that it is in there, waiting…). Write a list of what if it works versus what if it doesn’t. Now when you right this list remember that you are allowed to think big! Does a small start-up cost beat a million pound business idea? Does a few of your friends laughing at you mean that you should give up on financial freedom? Does the ‘safe’ option of the 9-5 sound more appealing than building a life that you want rather than a life that society tells you that you need to have? Can you imagine how different the world would be if everyone followed their dreams and aspirations. Can you imagine how uplifting it would be if it was more common to see people coming up with their own version of success rather than conforming to the norm?

So earlier, remember when I said that there was never a right time? I lied. The right time is now. Get your pad and paper out and start writing about your future. Right every detail of what you’re going to create. Write about the success stories that people will read about you. Write about what people will say about you. What do you want them to say? And now get to work creating that future. Always remember that the first step is the hardest, so getting out that pad and paper right now, yes right now... go and get it then, is that first step already taken. You don’t need to know every single detail about how you’re going to do it, just start with the reason why and let your thoughts flow.

I look forward to hearing about your future success.

Enjoy your journey.

Love always,

Zoe xx

Diary of a young entrepreneur.

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