Who are you? A slight change to my website.
This is a question that many people do not know the answer to. Some people might think that they know and then one day realise that actually they don't. I am here to tell you that that is okay!
There is so much pressure on the younger generation to finish university and get a 'secure' job and then be set up for the rest of their life. Sorted!
However, most of us don't even know what we want to do.
Have you ever been sat looking at a job website and you don't even know what to type into the search bar? I have.
I also know that a lot of you who are reading this have thought about starting a blog yourself, but you've never done it. I know this because since starting my own you wouldn't believe how many people tell me that they have thought about doing it too!
You may have noticed a slight difference in my website this morning. I started my blog thinking that it would be all about lifestyle and fashion, and then realised that I am actually much more passionate about the entrepreneurial side of my life. And as we all know, if you write what you are passionate about then it makes for a much better read. It just took me to start a blog to figure that out, and that is okay. If you don't try something new then how are you ever going to know if you like it? Or if you're any good at it?
I started my blog simply because I liked the idea of having one. Whereas I now write with purpose; to help the younger generation to get to where they want to be. I will share my top tips, my favourite book and things that I have tried in order to help others on their journey.
I am also here to tell the younger generation not to be afraid to do what you want to do. How will you ever know if it will work if you do not give it a try? Now don't get me wrong, if you're going to do it then you need to do it properly. Don't 'just wing it' and see what happens because I can already tell you the answer to that. Go in all guns blazing and show us what you've got. Passion and enthusiasm is attractive and impressive. Much more impressive than a lame attempt just in case it doesn't work out.
So, let's see what you've got. Go out there and discover who you are, and don't be afraid of what you might find. It just might change your whole life!
Love always,
Zoe xx