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Happiness planner, it's a must have!

Some of you might be wondering 'what is a happiness planner?' Some of you might even think it sounds a bit cheesy and be wondering how you can plan for happiness?!

Well I'm here to tell you that you absolutely can plan for happiness!!

First of all, you MUST get your hands on a happiness planner:

You can purchase either:

-The 52 week journal for $39 / £30

-The 100 day happiness planner from $29 / £20

-The original happiness planner is currently sold out on both sites but keep your eyes peeled for when it comes back!

The happiness planner helps you to evaluate your week, looking at what didn't go so well but focusing more on what did go well and what you're going to do moving forwards to continue with that success, whatever it may be. As a society, especially for the British, we are very good at focusing on the negative things about ourselves and our lives rather than focusing on the positive. So i challenge you right now (yes right now) to write a list of some of your accomplishments throughout your lifetime. From little things like learning to ride a bike or winning a sports day, right through to promotions, graduation and many more. Before you tell yourself that you haven't got time to do that, if you've got time to read this blog then you've got time to feel good about yourself.

I evaluate my week every Sunday morning and then plan and prepare the week ahead. The planner breaks your week down into days to allow you to write in all of your commitments, see what you've got booked in and see what time you've got available to do other things. This helps you to see how productive you are really being with your time and to evaluate whether or not you are using it wisely.

There are other gooodies on the website including gorgeous inspirational pencils, happy notes and notebooks and there are printable options too. The happiness planner and journals are also available in different colours.

I would highly recommend a happiness planner to anybody who is on a journey or a mission, or to anyone who is wanting to evaluate their life or make some changes.

I look forward to hearing how you get on with your brand new happiness planner.

Love always,

Zoe xx

Diary of a young entrepreneur.

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